Sunday, July 09, 2006

What's Growin' On: 7/9/06

That Left One Should Be Ready By Dinner

Realization Of The Day:
Perfect timing for the first ripe tomato of the season. I can't think of a better birthday gift from the garden.

No toiling among the raised beds today--just admiring the results of my hard work and harvesting some beautiful bounty. I'm taking the day off.


  1. Happy B'Day Farmgirl!! Enjoy Mother Nature's delicious gift!!


  2. I was going to get jealous about the tomato until you said it was your birthday. Now I'll just mutter quietly.

  3. Happy Birthday! I hope you had a great day not working but just looking at your garden...dogs, cats, sheep, lamas.....

  4. Happy Birthday!! I've been reading your blog for about a month or so now; had to come out of lurkdom to wish you a special day. Hope you enjoyed your day off! And heavens, enjoy that 'mater. (I get reflux every summer from tomato sandwiches!!!)

  5. I can just about smell that tomato through my monitor screen!! Have a great birthday -- you bring a lot of people a lot of pleasure by reading your blog each day. Thanks!

  6. I hope your birthday was fabulous and that you did get to enjoy that tomato!

    The Inadvertent Gardener

    P.S. Aren't July birthdays the best? Mine's Thursday...and I can't wait. :-)

  7. I hope you had a great BD Farmgirl!

  8. You're right, that is a perfect gift! Happy birthday!

  9. Happy belated birthday, Susan. Your post on how to make it rain totally made my day - thanks!


March 2013 update: My apologies for the inconvenience - I know word verification is a pain - but I've had to turn it on to help stop the ridiculous number of anonymous spam comments I've been getting every day. Thanks for your understanding.

Welcome to! Thanks so much for taking the time to write. While I'm not always able to reply to every comment, I receive and enjoy reading them all.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and I especially love to hear about what's going on in your own garden. I know, too, that other readers also delight in reading about your garden successes, failures, helpful tips, and lessons learned. Feel free to leave comments on older posts!

I try my best to answer all questions, but sometimes it takes me a few days to get to them. And sometimes, I'm sorry to say, they fall through the cracks, and for that I sincerely apologize.

I look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy your visits to my kitchen garden!