Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Garden Journal Entry 4/16/08: My Favorite No Maintenance Flowering Perennial Bush

Ah, Spring!

Realization of the day:
I have no idea what this bush is but I love it. (Update: It's a flowering quince!)

It was here when I moved in and is definitely my kind of plant: it flourishes in our crazy Missouri climate, requires no special treatment (or even attention), doesn't grow quickly enough to need pruning or shaping, and is never bothered by disease or destructive insects.

In early spring it's covered with these delightfully bright blossoms that pretty much scream the word happy and attract swarms of bees and other pollinators (you can see a close up photo of the flowers here). This bush is located on the south side of The Shack next to the clothesline, so right now hanging up the laundry - an activity I always find fairly pleasant - is even more enjoyable. My only complaint? The flowers don't stick around for very long. Well, that and the fact that you can't eat them.

So does anybody know what this mystery bush is? If we figure it out, then you'll be able to go find one for your own yard.

Do you have a wonderfully low maintenance perennial plant in your yard or garden? Please tell us about it!

© 2008, the blooming foodie farm blog where if it isn't edible, then it had better be pretty - and thrive on serious neglect.


  1. Heya, looks like Flowering Quince to me...?

  2. This looks like a quince to me. You're so lucky to have one!

  3. I was guessing Quince, and as three people before me said it I'm pretty sure my guess is right. Yay me (it's been a while since I've seen one).

  4. I thought it was a quince too...but does it ever fruit? Even the most neglected seem to fruit...

  5. Yup, it's Flowering Quince. Not to be confused with the type of quince that produces fruit you can eat. Flowering quince is also really easy to force inside in a vase. Can add a nice touch of spring inside the house (or gloomy office, if you're me).

  6. It's a flowering quince, for sure. I have one that blooms every year-- just covered with flowers.

  7. I believe I told you last week it was a flowering quince .

    After hanging up 12 loads of laundry during my visit,I spent a lot of time with that bush!!!

  8. You're in trouble with your Muuum! :D
    Never mind, mine thinks I never listen to her either!

  9. Everyone seems to know this plant, but I'll give you the botanical name which is Chaenomeles japonica - the fruiting kind is Cydonia. I love bringing in branches to put with pussy willows to 'force' into bloom in January.

  10. For a second I thought it was a crabapple without a cross-pollinator, but HELLO consensus says otherwise and then MOM TRUMP!

    Dude. Quince.

    So, people who actually know what they're talking about, since this non-fruiting quince does well, does that mean the our favorite Farmgirl can grow a fruiting Quince as well? Huh? Can she?

    Cuz they smell like HEAVEN. *snoooorrrrt*

  11. Hi, in Italy we call this plant "Rossospino". It is very beautiful

  12. Is this the quince that has thorns? I was thinking that quince has some wicked thorns...but that color is insane! WOW!

  13. Japanese Flowering Quince. And it 's one of my veery favorites. One of the first harbingers of Spring and always looks delighted to be alive and blooming. yours is quite beautiful.

  14. Chaenomeles japonica, is the only name I know it by (in dutch it is called dwergkwee) mini-cydonia (Cydonia oblonga you could say; fruits are similar but smaller and only good (in small quantaties) when softed in applemash, jam,...

    they are beautiful though and available in many colours..

  15. HI, love your blogs - this is the common flowering quince Chaenomeles speciosa. There is a smaller one that is japonica. Also comes in white. I have these in my central LA yard and the coral one reaches is above 10 feet and occasionally produces a quince-looking fruit. My grandmother planted this one about 60 years ago.

    Yes, you can grow the trees that produce the edible quince.

  16. Do update us on your garden happenings soon! =)

  17. Hi Everybody!
    Thanks so much for all the help identifying my wonderful flowering quince (which actually bloomed for a month - longer than I thought it did)! I'd planned to write a second post that included all the helpful and interesting information you've shared, but once again time seems to have gotten away from me. So I just wanted to let you know I loved reading all your comments and really appreciate your taking the time to write and help me out. : )

  18. I love the vibrant, saturated hues of the flowering quince. Out east, rhodies get that vibrant, but not in Michigan. So it's nice we have something intensely colored in spring!
    ~ Monica
    P.S. Now I want one!

  19. A small note of interest is the, I believe, tent caterpillar moths (hardened foam) egg mass wrapping the branch (center top). They are easy to spot with experience and should be peeled off and crushed, burned or put in the garbage to prevent serious defoliation of the shrubs or trees they are found on. One egg mass contains up to fifty or more eggs.


March 2013 update: My apologies for the inconvenience - I know word verification is a pain - but I've had to turn it on to help stop the ridiculous number of anonymous spam comments I've been getting every day. Thanks for your understanding.

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