
Monday, May 01, 2006

What's Growin' On: 5/1/06

Sage Blossoms, Arugula Background

Realization Of The Day:
It's the first of May. Happy May Day!


  1. I've always had bad luck with sage, but last year my sage grew into a dense jungle and bloomed like crazy. I was so shocked to discover that it actually does have pretty flowers! Have you ever tried collecting the seed?

  2. Hi Dawn,
    I apologize for letting your question slip through the cracks. Your sage jungle sounds wonderful. They really do have pretty flowers. And there are so many different varieties of sage. I decided to let this pot go wild, and it is now covered with blooms. I haven't ever tried collecting the seed, but I am thinking maybe I should, especially since this is such a healthy plant.


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